The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.

Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday April 4, 2016
The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:03 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour

Attendance (21 members): Marta Nettelfield, Paul & Judy Wilcox, Francine Gillanders, Doris Avery, Jenny and Michael Catton, Christine Burton, Mary Curl, Kim Long, Dave & Patti Gilmour, Lee Nowak, Tammy Ranta, Cindy Thomas, Kirstan Sonnenberg, Kimberly Smith, Gloria Bracchetti, Shirley Bell, Lena Arkell, Sandra Beck
Reminder: A quick reminder that there is a prize at the end of the year for everyone that has attended a meeting, served on the exec or a committee. You get one entry for every meeting attended, committee served on or exec position. They go into a hat at the end of the year and a name is drawn.


Dave: I would like to call this meeting to order. If everybody could please type in your name for attendance sake.

As Lillian is not here we will move on to last meetings minutes.
As everyone should of had a chance to read last month's minutes. Did anybody notice any errors or omissions?
Dave: I move the minutes be accepted as written.  Jenny  seconded.

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None

Programme: Lillian: Not in attendance
               Sent after meeting: 2 items posted to the list

Treasurer’s Report Kim Long


Show Committee :  Mary -

Dave: As Ann and Richard are not here we will move onto membership

Trophy Committee: Anne McDougall

Publicity:  Rich Tarrington


Membership: Doris Avery

Discipline Committee: 

Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield

Awards Committee: Mary & Shirley & Sandra

Fund Raising Committee:  Patti

Nomination Committee: Francine Gillanders, Karen Parton and Tammy Ranta

Regional Directors for Zones:
1: Atlantic - Vacant
2: New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island - Kim Long
3: Quebec - Barry Green
4: Ontario North - Shawn Mealey
5: Ontario East - nominated Richard Terrington
6: Ontario West - nominated Melissa Mathers
7: Ontario Central - Gord Graffman
8: Manitoba - Bev Pope
9: Saskatchewan - Irene Waddell
10: Alberta - Marta Nettlefield
11: British Columbia South West - Cora Verhulst
12: British Columbia & Yukon - Vacant

Recording Secretary - Mary Curl
Treasurer - Kim Long
Vice President -
               Christine Burton,
               Shirley Bell -  Nominated by Anne McDougall

Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas


Good & Welfare: Lillian Wainright

Old Business:  

New Business:


*Out of sequence* - 8:51 pm - Publicity


Dave: If no one has anything else they want to discuss I would like to move this meeting adjourned.  Christine seconded.

Next regular meeting May 2nd, 2016, 8 pm Ontario time - Note Ontario is on Daylight Savings time


NOTICE re: Elections:

The link to the voting site is:


You will need your membership number to vote.  If you have forgotten it contact Mary, Doris or Cindy