BCCI The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday Jan 4, 2016

The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:03 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour

Attendance (20  members): Cindy Thomas, Kim Long, Paul and Judy Wilcox, Dave & Patti Gilmour, Shirley Bell, Sandra Beck, Marta Nettelfield, Francine Gillanders, Anne McDougall, Christine Burton, Melissa & Mark Mathers, Shawn Mealey, Jenny & Michael Catton, Bev Pope, Lillian Wainwright, Tammy Ranta,

Reminder: A quick reminder that there is a prize at the end of the year for everyone that has attended a meeting, served on the exec or a committee. You get one entry for every meeting attended, committee served on or exec position. They go into a hat at the end of the year and a name is drawn.


Dave: I would like to start things off with a moment of silence in regards to the passing of Jim Killman of Heartacre boxers. Thank you everyone for your understanding.

I would like to call this meeting to order and start of with everyone listing their name for attendance
I would assume everyone should of had a chance to check out last month's meeting. Is there any errors or omissions

Dave: I move the minutes be accepted as written.  Shawn  seconded.

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None

Programme: Lillian: Dave: As Lillian is not signed in we will move on from Program to Treasurer's report

 Treasurer’s Report Kim Long

Dave: Are there any questions in regards to the treasurer's report?

Dave: As Mary and Rick are not here we move onto trophy report.
Show Committee :  Mary - Not in attendance - No report

Publicity:  Rich Tarrington   (not in attendance) No report

Trophy Committee: Anne McDougall  

Dave: Lillian do you have anything for program?


Awards Committee: No report

Membership: Doris Avery

Dave: As Debbie is not here is there anything to report for discipline

Discipline Committee: 

Obedience Committee: 

Fund Raising Committee:  Patti

Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas - No report

Good & Welfare: Lillian Wainright

Old Business:  


New Business: None

Dave: Unless anyone has anything else to add I would like to take this time to thank everyone who took the timeout of your schedules to attend the meeting

Dave: I move the meeting be adjourned, Seconded by Shirley Bell - 8:51 pm


        Meeting Schedules:
               Exec meetings: January 27th - 8:30

Next regular meeting February 1, 2016, 8 pm Ontario time