The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday October 3rd, 2016
The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:05 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour

Attendance (23  members):  Leah Quiring, Cindy Thomas, Dave & Patti Gilmour, Doris Avery, Mike Hockley, Francine Gillanders , Jack Bujold, Jenny & Michael Catton, Kim Long, Kimberly Smith, Lee Nowak,Lillian Wainwright, Melissa Mathers & Mark Mathers, Mary Curl, Paul and Judy Wilcox, Richard & Kim Tarrington, Tammy Ranta, Winnie kluck


Reminder: A quick reminder that there is a prize at the end of the year for everyone that has attended a meeting, served on the exec or a committee. You get one entry for every meeting attended, committee served on or exec position. They go into a hat at the end of the year and a name is drawn.


Dave: I would like to call this meeting to order and if we can start with everyone typing their name for roll call.

Dave: If no problems I would like to move the minutes be adopted as written. Paul W seconded

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None


Treasurer’s Report Kim Long



Show Committee 


Dave: Before we go any further I would like to thank everyone for the great turnout tonight. It seems like a few people are fighting to stay in so I thought I would get the thanks out in case we lose anyone.

Publicity:  No report                                                                                                

Trophy Committee: Anne McDougall  - Not  in attendance -No Report

Awards Committee: Mary, Shirley & Sandra -  No report


Membership: Doris Avery

Discipline Committee: 

Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield  Not in attendance - No report

Fund Raising Committee:

Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas

Good & Welfare:  Lillian Wainwright

Old Business:  

New Business:


Dave:  Is there anything else anyone wants to discuss before we adjourn?
 Make sure to get your judges suggestions in to Mary

Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.


NEXT MEETING: Monday November 7, 2016 -   8 p.m. Ontario time