The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday June 3rd 2019
The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:14 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. –  President Dave Gilmour

Attendance: (16 members) Dave & Patti Gilmour, Christine Burton, Anne McDougall, Doris Avery, Kat Hueggenberg, Keith Lawson, Lillian Wainwright, Mary Curl, Mike Hockley, Marta Nettelfield, Shirley Bell, Tammy Ranta
Signed in late: Mellissa & Mark Mathers

Reminder: A quick reminder that there is a prize at the end of the year for everyone that has attended a meeting, served on the exec or a committee. You get one entry for every meeting attended, committee served on or exec position. They go into a hat at the end of the year and a name is drawn.

Dave: I would like to call the meeting to order and we will start with typing in our names for attendance.
Good evening everyone. If you could please sign in using your name

                Dave: Everyone should of had a chance to review last month's minutes. Any errors or omissions?

Dave: I would like to move the minutes be accepted as written. 2nd by Keith

Treasurer’s Report Kim

Dave: Mary can you move the treasurer's report
Mary: I move the Treasurer’s report. 2nd by Tammy

Dave: Moving onto committee reports starting with show committee


Show Committee: Mary

Publicity:  No Report

Trophy Committee: Shawn Mealey - not in attendance

ProgrammeLillian Wainwright

Membership Committee: Doris

Discipline Committee:  Shirley Bell

Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield

Awards Committee: Mary, Shirley, Marta, Cindy

Special Service Award Committee: Debbie Allardyce - not in attendance
Fund Raising Committee:  Patti

Nominations Committee: Doris, Francine, Karen

Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas Not in attendance

Old Business: None

Good & welfare: Lillian

New Business: None

Dave: If no one has any new business I move this meeting be adjourned. I will then proceed into the AGM..
Keith: 2nd

Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. 


NEXT Regular MEETING: Monday September 9th, 2018 -   8 p.m. Ontario time (because the 2nd is Labour Day)


