The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.


Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday April 4th, 2011
The meeting was called to order at approx. 7:58 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – Past President: Mike Catton
Attendance: Michael Catton, Marta Nettelfield, Erin Pottle, Jenny Catton, Mary & Paul Dulong, Francine & Jim Gillanders, Bernice Langley, Kim Long, Irene & Len Waddell, Kevin Serjeant, Dave & Patti Gilmour, Paul and Judy Wilcox, Sandra Beck, Christine Burton, Norah McGriskin, Cindy Thomas, Lillian Wainwright, Kristi Wagg, Lee & Maryjane Nowak, Richard Tarrington.

Note from Mike: Jenny is taking a course on line tonight so she will just be able to check in periodically.  She has asked me to chair the meeting for her

Minutes:  Mike asked “Did everyone get their minutes and, if so, are there any issues” -   No errors or omission.
Moved by Paul Dulong Seconded by Jenny Catton - Minutes accepted

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None              
Program: Lillian:  No Report
Treasurer’s Report - Paul Dulong

Publicity  No Report
Show Committee Anne McDougall (not in attendance)

BOXER EXTRAVAGANZA: - Mary Curl (not in attendance)

Trophy Committee: Anne - No Report
Publicity: Linda Norris – (not in attendance)  No Report
Programme:  Lillian – No Report
Membership: Patti Gilmour

Discipline Committee:  Frank Rouse (Not in attendance) - No Report
Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield  - No report
Fund Raising Committee:  No Report
Nominations Committee – Christine

Norah: Will the ballots be counted by an independent scrutineer?

Mike: Many thanks to Christine and the Nominations Committee and thanks to everyone who has let his/her name stand.

Special Service Committee: Deb Allardyce not in attendance)
Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas – no report

Old Business: None
Good & Welfare – Lillian Wainwright

New Business:

Ballots for the 2012 National

Lillian: the gift from the Stantial family from Nancy's estate to be used as prizes and fund raising... will be picking up the multitude of items the latter half of May and delivering them to the executive.  Some of the smaller items may be used this year at the silent auction, the others - and there are some pricey ones.. to be used as prizes at future BCC specialties.

Sandra moved:  that the executive could decide what is to go as prizes and what is to go to auction.

Jenny: On that note what does everyone think about doing an In Memoriam page on the website & in the Catalogue for our members that have passed away? Alss a thank you to the different members that have donated books, figurines etc upon the death of a Boxer member in their family?

Jenny Catton moved to adjourn, Paul Dulong seconded.  Meeting closed at 9:19 p.m.
Next Meeting:   Monday May 2nd, 2011 – 8 p.m. Ontario time.