newlogo1_wtbk_smThe Boxer Club of Canada Inc.

Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday Feb. 4, 2013

The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:03 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour

Attendance: Anne McDougall, Bill & Helen Frankland, Christine Burton, Cindy Thomas, Christine Tricker, Crystal Davies, Dave & Patti Gilmour,  Debbie Allardyce, Doris Avery, Francine Gillanders, Gloria Bracchetti, Irene Waddel, Jack Ireland, Jenny Catton, Karen Parton, Kim Long, Kristi Wagg, Marta Nettelfield, Mary Curl, Mary Jane & Lee Nowak, Melissa & Mark Mathers, Michael Catton, Mike Allan, Paul & Mary Dulong, Rick and Kim Tarrington, Sally Dale, Sandra Beck, Tara Burt & Ed Wadman

Minutes:  Dave asked: If everyone has had a chance to read last meetings minutes and if there were any errors or emissions?
No errors or omission. Moved by Paul Dulong, seconded by Bill Frankland that the minutes be accepted

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None
Treasurer’s Report - Paul Dulong

Show Committee:

Publicity: Linda Norris – No Report
Trophy Committee: Anne – No report
Awards Committee: Kristi Wagg

Programme:  Lillian – Not in attendance

Membership: Patti – No report
Discipline Committee:  Frank Rouse (Not in attendance) –

Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield – No report
Fund Raising Committee:  Patti Gilmour

It is my pleasure to be able to announce that the Boxer Club of Canada will be holding its first ever on-line auction in February. This fundraiser will take place over two days: Saturday, 16 Feb 2013, and Sunday, 17 Feb 2013. Start and end times for each day will be announced, so please watch for further messages regarding this event. It will be held on the Boxer Club of Canada Public FaceBook page, and 20% of the proceeds will go to Boxer Rescue Canada, with the rest going to the Boxer Club of Canada for operating expenses and specialty show costs.
There's a wide variety of great items that have been generously donated by various companies and individuals from across Canada and the States. For instance, here are a some of the donations just to name a few: wonderful homemade items like boxer panties, a wet coat, a warm coat / PJs, and a braided / beaded show lead; boxer / dog fancy magazine subscriptions; a first aid DVD for dogs; a thundershirt; various toys; various books; a couple of boxer signs; collars and leashes; food bowls; a collapsible soft-sided crate; a used D-Flight tack box; a unique pair of boxer earrings; a couple of trimmers; and a nail grinder.
Thanks to the following club members regarding their exceptional donations for the auction:

So, if you want any of these generously donated items . . . be sure to mark your calendar with the auction dates and please spread the word!

Special Service Award: Debbie – No report

Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas


Old Business: 



More discussion was held
Sandra: I move that we strike an adhock committee to look into the CKC colour registration issue and report back to the next meeting with their recommendations
Cindy seconded.

Folks we have a motion on the floor.  Those opposed please say no
One no vote – Motion Carried

Dave: Irene will you be on the color comittee with Sandra. Also can we have any other volunteers?
Irene: Yes but not a short time as we are going to Hawiia for three weeks.
Sandra: I'll send an e-mail to the BCC group for volunteers

New Business:


Good and Welfare: Lillian

Secretary’s Note*
As Lillian could not attend she sent me a report after the meeting – as follows


Dave : As there doesn't seem to be any other new business I move the meeting be adjourned
Cindy seconded
Meeting adjourned: 9:43 PM

Next Meeting:  March 4th, 2013 8:00 p.m. Ontario time –