
The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday March 5th, 2012

The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:01 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour
Attendance: Christine Burton, Mike & Jenny Catton, Mary Curl, Paul & Mary Dulong, Bill & Helen Frankland, Jim & Francine Gillanders, Dave & Patti Gilmour, Bernice Langley, Kim Long, Lee & Mary Jane Nowak, Karen Parton, Deb Schenher, Kim & Richard Tarrington, Len & Irene Waddell, Kristi Wagg, Paul & Judith Wilcox

Minutes:  Dave asked: If everyone has had a chance to read last meetings minutes and if there were any errors or emissions?
No errors or omission. Moved by Paul Dulong Seconded by Jenny Catton - Minutes accepted

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None
Treasurer’s Report - Paul Dulong

Show Committee

Publicity: Linda Norris – (not in attendance)  No Report
Trophy Committee: Anne (not in attendance) No Report
Awards Committee: Kristi Wagg

Mary Jane:  When does this "fillable form for title plaques start?  Is it for this year?
Mary: For the 2011 plaques that are given out this year
Programme:  Lillian –
Lillian was having trouble getting on but asked for Program if everybody could take a few minutes and fill out the ABC Health survey.
Membership: Patti Gilmour

Discipline Committee:  Frank Rouse (Not in attendance) - No Report
Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield  -

Fund Raising Committee:  

Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas

Nominations Committee

*Secretary’s NOTE* - The Nominations Committee consists of: Jenny Catton, Deb Allardyce & Doris Avery
Nominations are now open for Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and all Directors.  Please send nominations to the committee at
The Nomination Committee will select at least one nominee for each executive position.  The Committee will also publish a request for further nominations from the membership in the February minutes.  The Nominations Committee will prepare ballots to be used in the election process. The Executive will appoint the Chair following the closing of nominations.
Nominations must be in by March 31st and all nominees must notify the Chair of the Nominations Committee of their willingness to stand for office by March 31st
The nominees will be announced in alphabetical order at the April meeting at which time ballots will be available for voting by all members.
Should the ballot result in a tie for any position, the tie will be broken by a majority vote of the members attending the June Meeting

  List of eligible members will be sent to the nomination committee after the March meeting

 .Special Service Committee: Deb Allardyce

Old Business:  None

Good & Welfare – Lillian Wainwright

New Business:

Paul Dulong moved to adjourn, Mary Curl seconded.  Meeting closed at 8:33 p.m.
Next Meeting:  April 2nd, 2012 8:00 p.m. Ontario time