newlogo1_wtbk_smThe Boxer Club of Canada Inc.
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday March 4, 2013
The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:03 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour
Attendance: Patti Gilmour, Jenny Catton, Paul & Mary Dulong, Cindy Thomas, Dave Gilmour, Sandra Beck, Debbie Allardyce, Kristi Wagg, Francine Gillanders, Mary Curl, Christine & Justin Burton, Lee and Mary Jane Nowak, Melissa & Mark Mathers, Karen Parton, Anne McDougall, Michael Catton, Karen Knox, Bill Langley and Bernice Langley, Richard & Kim Tarrington, Doris Avery, Irene & Len Waddell, Lillian Wainwright, Marta Nettelfield, Christine Tricker, Sally Dale, Jane Holicka, George Holicka, Jack Irelend

Minutes:  Dave asked: If everyone has had a chance to read last meetings minutes and if there were any errors or emissions?
No errors or omission. Moved by Paul Dulong, that the minutes be accepted

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None
Treasurer’s Report - Paul Dulong

Show Committee:

Publicity: – No Report
Trophy Committee: Anne

Awards Committee: Kristi Wagg

Programme:  Lillian

Membership:  Patti

Discipline Committee:  Frank Rouse (Not in attendance) –

Obedience Committee:  Marta Nettelfield – No report

Fund Raising Committee:  .
Here is my fundraising report to the BCC executive regarding the on-line auction held on Saturday, 16 Feb 2013, and Sunday, 17 Feb 2013:

 Thank you very much to Cindy Thomas, Marta Nettelfield, Mary Curl and Paul Dulong for their assistance with this auction!
Sandra Beck: EXCELLENT WORK Fundraising committee!!!!
Micheal Catton: Great job on the auction Patti and everyone else who helped
Debbie Allardyce: Congratulations to everyone!
Jenny: have any costs been reported yet for the fundraiser - besides waiting for the shipping costs? 

Patti: Just want to say that it was great the way we worked together on the fundraiser. Perhaps another time, the same can be done with another fundraiser activity.
Christine: Do we have many items left from the estate donations that could be used?
Mary:  There are some books still
Special Service Award: Debbie – No report

Nominations Committee:


Secretary’s Note: The Nominations Committee can be reached at the following addresses:
Christine Burton:
Jenny Catton:
Debbie Allardyce:

Good and Welfare: Lillian
G&W - nothing to report.. would like an update on Eleanor Foley plse... dont do FB


Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas



Old Business: 

Colour Committee:

We have two applications for the 2015 National specialty One is from the BCC to run the specialty location and date to be decided yet and the other is from Oakville to host the show at their Sept show

Dave: I would like Christine Tricker to say a few words in regards to the 2014 National in Alberta.

Dave: I would like to ask if there is any new business?
Lillian: Motion to adjourn
Seconded by Cindy Thomas
Dave: If there is no new business I move the meeting be adjourned Thanks again for everybody the attended tonight

Meeting adjourned: 10:20 PM

Next Meeting:  April 1, 2013,  8 p.m. Ontario time –
Don’t forget Ontario is now on Daylight Savings time so turned their clocks ahead one hour.